Prevention is better than cure!
Build capacity in your current workforce with a prevention focused approach
to working with children young people and families
We invite you to join us for training on The Common Approach in
Launceston, Tasmania on Wednesday 31 August 2016
More than just a training day – access the full training package on The Common Approach
Training includes:
- a full day, fully catered training session
- two hours of customised implementation support from ARACY (for up to three months after the training day)
- a Common Approach ‘Resource Starter Kit.
What is The Common Approach?
An evidence-based framework designed to support professionals to have quality conversations with young people and their families about all aspects of wellbeing. Underpinned by four key evidence-based practices (holistic, strengths-based, working in partnership and child-centred) The Common Approach helps practitioners to:
- quickly identify strengths to address clients’ needs
- think holistically about child and family wellbeing
- improve family relationships and referral pathways
- increase the level of support and follow up for vulnerable families
- increase practitioners’awareness of their role in preventing abuse and neglect
- facilitate better wellbeing outcomes for the client.
Who should attend?
Organisations, practitioners and professionals who work with children, young people and families.
Date: Wednesday 31 August 2016
Time: 9.15am-4.00pm
Venue: Anglicare Offices, 122 Elizabeth Street, Launceston, Tasmania.
Cost: $600 (ex GST) includes:
– customised implementation support from ARACY
– The Common Approach ‘Resource Starter Kit’
RSVP: Limited numbers
please register no later than 19 August
Need more information: Email Matthew Waldon or call 02 6248 2400.
FKAT will support carers to attend with a $150.00 contribution towards the conference registration fee. Please contact Kim on for further details.